Friday 12 February 2010

Q Magazine Article Feature Analysis

The main artist featured in this article is Chery Cole, and this may be aiming at a target audience of males that find her attractive or females that aspire to be like her. And because it is an in-depth article consisting of 9 pages, this suggests that the target audience is in the age range of mid 20s, because they are more likely to have a better attention span rather than younger readers who prefer to see more photographs and also they use strong language which won't be suitable for minors, but 3 out of 9 pages of the article have full images which helps the reader not lose interest.

The first double page is an introduction to the article; the first showing a long shot of Cheryl, this allows the reader to see her full physique and body language, slightly arching her back, looking down at the camera and her hands grasped, showing power and courage, that she is not afraid and is ready for anything. Her costume is ripped and there are sharp studs, suggesting fierceness and represents the "rock" image to blend in with the other artists in the magazine, and the ripped clothing is almost as if she has survived a vicious battle, and the clothes she wears are showing that she is a trendsetter, and a fashion style icon. The location of this shoot, suggests that she is on top of the world, with everyone looking up at her. The main colours used are black and red, while the rain adds to the effect of her looking strong and evil. The second page has a large "X" scrawled across it, which could represent Cheryl marking her spot, marking her territory. The words "Pin-Up, Player, Fighter, Superstar" shows the way Q Magazine wants the readers to see her, and "All Hail" describes her as if she is a queen. Her name is highlighted in red, and there is an ellipsis to make the reader want to turn the page and read on.

The next double page shows Cheryl indoors, with a white background, and wind blowing in her hair with the same costume, and the other images article generally shows Cheryl as an attractive woman, as she was crowned The World's Sexiest Woman 2009 by FHM. The photographs show her pouting and showing her as being appealing to the audience. The style of these photographs are similar to the style of the movie Sin City, a movie the magazine's audience will be familiar with, which helps her blend in and get rid of her "pop" image she previously had with Girls Aloud. The background behind the text is a large "C" and the layout is somewhat similiar to a newspapers' and does not look trashy by being untidy. The article shows quotes from Cheryl, to make the article seem more personal and as if she is talking to the reader, and these quotes will be remembered. The article is formal and the syntax used is advanced so this adds on to the fact that this article is not aimed at minors. The signature layout of Q Magazine is black and red, and this can be seen as a housestyle because of the article's main colour theme. The captions on the photos are light jokes, which help the reader not take the whole article too seriously.