Friday 26 March 2010


I have decided to use my friend Kojo as my model, so I had to email him to arrange a date and time. We took the photos on the 23rd of February 2010, at 2:30pm and 24th February 2010, 11:00am, I have chosen these days because it had just rained a few days before, I checked the weather forecast and it said the air would be damp but only light rain. I thought this was perfect, because the rain made the brickwall and the floor darker, which I could edit in Photoshop later, which could be a very good contrast effect. The first arranged day, we have chosen a costume which is very bright and represent the young generation in a good light. I have chosen the colour of his shirt, hat and trainers to be red because it will go with my housestyle, and his headphones show that music is one of his passions. The images were taken in Embankment, and Cheshire Street, Brick Lane E1. I chose these locations because I liked the graffiti in the background, and the brick wall and stairs had very good lighting. The second day of the photoshoot was the main day because we had more time to take the photos; we took photos in Brick Lane, Commercial Street, Liverpool Street, Wentworth Street, and Hanbury Street. The costume chosen on this day was very smart, i wanted to give him a R&B look; a black blazer and black trainers. The photoshoot lasted two days overall, and I am pleased with the results. Here are some of the photographs I have taken: